Jul 17, 2017 · sample outputs: 1) sighup 2) sigint 3) sigquit 4) sigill 5) sigtrap 6) sigabrt 7) sigbus 8) sigfpe 9) sigkill 10) sigusr1 11) sigsegv 12) sigusr2 13) sigpipe 14) sigalrm 15) sigterm 16) sigstkflt 17) sigchld 18) sigcont 19) sigstop 20) sigtstp 21) sigttin 22) sigttou 23) sigurg 24) sigxcpu 25) sigxfsz 26) sigvtalrm 27) sigprof 28) sigwinch 29) sigio 30) sigpwr 31) sigsys 34) sigrtmin 35

The kill command is a wrapper around the kill() system call, which sends signals to processes or process groups on the system, referenced by their numeric process IDs (PIDs) or process group IDs (PGIDs). kill is always provided as a standalone utility as defined by the POSIX standard. The command kill sends the specified signal to the specified process or process group. If no signal is specified, the TERM signal is sent. The TERM signal will kill processes which do not catch this signal. For other processes, it may be necessary to use the KILL (9) signal, since this signal cannot be caught. kill(2) Sends a signal to a SIGUSR1 P1990 Term User-defined signal 1 SIGUSR2 P1990 Term User-defined signal 2 SIGVTALRM P2001 Term Virtual alarm clock (4.2BSD Can a kill -SIGUSR1 cause a process to crash? 1-800-477-6473 Ready to Talk? the script will print "TRAPPED" when you send the signal USR1 to it with the kill command. So the answer to the last question is: Evidently, the "tint2" program has code that, upon receiving the signal USR1, will reload its configuration file. Session hangs after issuing repeated kill SIGUSR1 signals to an ABL client process An incomplete protrace file is generated, or no protrace at all. Using gstack (part of gdb debugger package) to obtain a stack dump for the hanging process which shows OS localtime() and related ctime functions on the stack.

May 15, 2018 · kill SIGNAL PID. Where SIGNAL is the signal to be sent and PID is the Process ID to be killed. We already know, from our ps command that the IDs we want to kill are 3827, 3919, 10764, and 11679. So to send the kill signal, we’d issue the commands: kill -9 3827 kill -9 3919 kill -9 10764 kill -9 11679

Here, the process send SIGUSR1 signal to itself using kill() function. getpid() is used to get the process ID of itself. In the next example we will see how parent and child processes communicates (Inter Process Communication) using kill() and signal function. Parent Child Communication with Signals Kill a process using Taskkill. Note: Some processes are running as Administrator (elevated). In order to kill them, you need to open an elevated command prompt instance. Open the command prompt as the current user or as Administrator. Type tasklist to see the list of running processes and their PIDs. Since the list might be very long, you can

kill -9 actually closes the process no matter what. So it seems like your process is getting stuck and needs to be killed with -9 rather than -15. Regards, KDSys.

Oct 05, 2017 · SIGUSR1 signal is sent to the mongod process and performs log rotation. Another way doing log rotation is to enter mongo console by typing 'mongo' in command line. Then in database console execute Feb 04, 2014 · $ kill 1212 1313 1414 Type the following command to send KILL single to multiple pids: $ kill -9 1212 1313 1414. How do I specify the signal to send to PID # 4242? Pass the -s option to given the signal as a signal number or a signal name. The syntax is: $ kill -s signal pid To send stop/suspend signal for pid # 4242, enter: $ kill -s stop 4242