Can I Join the FBI as a Special Agent After Military Service?. The FBI has specific requirements for its special agents. If you meet these requirements at the time you leave the military, you could become a special agent, but you will need to go through the usual application process, as …

Individuals who want to become CIA agents through the Inspector General must: Be United States citizens. Possess a bachelor’s degree with a minimum GPA of 3.0. Must possess at least three years of criminal investigative experience focused on complex matters. You do not join the CIA. If you want to work there, you can visit the CIA website — it is clear and specific about what it seeks in new employees in terms of moral character, education, and experience — and scout around for specific jobs or areas in which you think you might be interested and for which you think you might be qualified. There are a number of degree options you can pursue if you want to become a CIA agent. You must hold a bachelor’s degree with a GPA of at least 3.0 before you’ll get your foot in the door. Jun 02, 2019 · Entry-Level CIA Careers Entry-level job candidates can join the Directorate of Operations as trainees in the Professional Trainee Program, the Clandestine Service Trainee Program, or the Headquarters Based Trainee Program. The job for which a candidate applies and his or her level of experience determines the program he or she enters.

CIA Agent Education - How to Become a CIA Agent | CIA

CIA Inspector General - Special Agent/Investigator Salaries. The pay for most CIA Inspector General - Special Agents/Investigators ranges from $74,872 to $155,500, but this figure can vary based on location of service, level of experience, education, and background.

Do All Jobs With the CIA Need to Be Kept Secret? | Work

To join the FBI, you must be at least 23 years of age, but below the age of 37 when you are appointed as a special agent. Educational Requirements For you to become an FBI agent, you will require a recognized 4 year degree from an accredited college or institution.