I've been having trouble port forwarding my Minecraft server, which I host on a Windows 10 virtual machine. The virtual machine runs on a VMware esxi machine, and I've disabled the firewall rules on it so I know they're not interfering with the connection.
For the vsphere client I set the destination port to 902. When I use vsphere I use an alias for localhost which gets me past one problem with how Windows handles that. However vSphere spits out: vSphere Client could not connect to "myalias.alias.com". The server sent the client an invalid response. (The server commited a protocol violation. TCP and UDP Ports for Management Access The default non-secure TCP Web port typically used in conjunction with port 443 as a front end for access to ESXi networks from the Web. Port 80 redirects traffic to an HTTPS landing page (port 443). Port 80 redirects traffic to an HTTPS landing page (port 443). Port Forwarding: Physical Box or Each VM? : esxi Port Forwarding: Physical Box or Each VM? So i have One phyical server(R710) and two VMs(one hosts my web server with a couple of sites and the other VM is for my nextcloud instance) First time working with next cloud and from what i gather it still needs to get out on 80 and 443.
Dec 10, 2012
For the vsphere client I set the destination port to 902. When I use vsphere I use an alias for localhost which gets me past one problem with how Windows handles that. However vSphere spits out: vSphere Client could not connect to "myalias.alias.com". The server sent the client an invalid response. (The server commited a protocol violation. TCP and UDP Ports for Management Access The default non-secure TCP Web port typically used in conjunction with port 443 as a front end for access to ESXi networks from the Web. Port 80 redirects traffic to an HTTPS landing page (port 443). Port 80 redirects traffic to an HTTPS landing page (port 443).
Virtual switch explained | VMware ESXi
Feb 19, 2019 Quick Tip – Changing default port for HTTP Reverse Proxy